Music Of The Waters - online book

Sailors' Chanties, Songs Of The Sea, Boatmen's, Fishermen's,
Rowing Songs, & Water Legends with lyrics & sheet music

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Music of the Waters.             249
Een Hollandsch kind, dat is bekend, Die vindt in Zee zijn element, Jo-ho, jo-ho, jo-ho, jo-ho ! Die vindt in Zee zijn element.
En zijn wij zoo geen banjers meer Als in verleden dagen, Toen ieder voor Jau-Companie Een flikker had geslagen : Toch zeilen wij op iedre Zee Zoo goed nog als de beste mee, Jo-ho, jo-ho, jo-ho, jo-ho ! Zoo goed nog als de beste mee !
Hoezee dan jongens in het want !
De handen uit de mouwen,
Laat Duitscher, Noorof Engelschman
Neit klimmen in je touwen.
Dan kan je varen zonder peil,
Al blies de Nikker in het zeil,
Jo-ho, jo-ho, jo-ho, jo-ho !
Al blies de Nikker in het zeil!
For a Hollander-born, you all must
know, Finds in the sea his element, Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho ! Finds in the sea his element.
And if we cannot do the mighty deeds They did in the days gone by, When for the honour of the Dutch
Company Every man in his heart did try. Yet still we sail in every sea As good as the best of them, Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho ! As good as the best of them !
Hurrah ! then, boys, up aloft,
Up with your sleeves (look like work);
Let neither German, Norwegian, nor
Englishman Climb your rigging. Then you may sail without a care, Supposing the Devil should blow in
your sail,
Yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho, yo-ho ! Supposing the Devil should blow in
your sail!
I cannot say much in favour of these words. Such a boasting spirit pervades them that it has been a most diffi­cult matter to obtain a translation, and to find adequate expression for some of the nautical phrases. The Dutch Company mentioned in the second verse evidently refers to the Dutch East India Company and its naval exploits. The last verse is perhaps the most difficult to render into English ; into English rhyme it neither can nor will go. The deficiencies of the words are, however, amply condoned by the extreme beauty of the music.